- ‘Thermal conductivity engineering in width-modulated silicon nanowires and thermoelectric efficiency enhancement’, X.Zianni J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463
- ‘Modeling the heat transfer in mesoscopic structures in the presence of nanoscale non-uniformity’ X. Zianni, K. Termentzidis and D. Lacroix, Journal of Physics: Conf.Series 785, 012011 (2017)
- ‘A Monte Carlo study on the effect of energy barriers on the thermoelectric properties of Si’ Xanthippi Zianni, Patrice Chantrenne and Dario Narducci Energy Harvesting and Systems 2016, DOI 10.1515
- ‘Silicon de novo: energy filtering and enhanced thermoelectric performances of nanocrystalline silicon and silicon alloys’ Dario Narducci, Stefano Frabboni and Xanthippi Zianni Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01632K
- ‘Monte Carlo simulations on the thermoelectric transport properties of width-modulated nanowires’ X.Zianni Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 45, Issue 3, 1 March 2016, Pages 1779-1785
- ‘Modeling the thermoelectric properties of modulated nanocomposites’, X.Zianni Proceedings of XVI INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF THERMOELECTRICITY,France (2015)
- ‘Boron Diffusion in Silicon in the Presence of Grain Boundaries and Voids’, A.Kanaki, X.Zianni, D.Narducci Materials Today: Proceedings Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 583-587
- ‘Controlling the heat transfer in thickness-modulated semiconductor nanostructures for efficient thermoelectric energy conversion’ X. Zianni Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 159, 15 June 2016, Pages 51-54
- ‘Monte Carlo study of the Electron Transport Properties of an Array of Si Nanocrystals’ I.Chouthis, X.Zianni Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 491-496
- ‘Parametric modeling of energy filtering by energy barriers in thermoelecric nanocomposites’
X. Zianni and D. Narducci
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 035102 (2015) - ‘Thermopower enhancement in modulated cross-section nanowires due to energy minibands structure’
X. Zianni
Phys. Status Solidi A 211, 1315 (2014) - ‘Enhancement of the power factor in two-phase silicon–boron nanocrystalline alloys
D. Narducci, B. Lorenzi, X. Zianni, N. Neophytou, S. Frabboni, G. C. Gazzadi, A. Roncaglia, and F. Surian
Phys. Status Solidi A 211, 1255 (2014) - ‘Scaling behavior of the thermal conductivity of width-modulated nanowires and nanofilms for heat transfer control at the nanoscale
X. Zianni, V. Jean, K. Termentzidis and D. Lacroix
Nanotechnology 25, 465402 (2014) - ‘Band Structure Engineering in Geometry-Modulated Nanostructures for Thermoelectric Efficiency Enhancement’
X. Zianni
Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-014-3125-2 (2014) - ‘Enhancement of the power factor in two-phase silicon-boron nanocrystalline alloys’
D. Narducci,B. Lorenzi, X. Zianni, N. Neophytou, S.Frabboni, GC Gazzadi, A.Rocanglia, F.Suriano
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 211, 1255 (2014) - ‘Thermopower enhancement in modulated cross-section nanowires due to energy minibands structure’
X. Zianni
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 211, 1315 (2014) - ‘Power Factor Enhancement by Inhomogeneous Distribution of Dopants in Two-Phase Nanocrystalline Systems’, N. Neophytou, X. Zianni, H. Kosina, S. Frabboni, B. Lorenzi, D. Narducci
Journal of Electronic Materials 43, 1896 ( 2014) - ‘Paradoxical Enhancement of the PowerFactor of Polycrystalline Silicon as a Result of the Formation of Nanovoids’,
B. Lorenzi, D. Narducci, R. Tonini, S. Frabboni, G.C. Gazzadi, G. Ottaviani, N. Neophytou and X. Zianni
Journal of Electronic Materials 43, 3812 (2014) - ‘Large thermoelectric power factor enhancement realized in InAs nanowires’
M. Wu, J. Gooth, X.Zianni, S. Fahlvik Svensson, K.D. Thelander, C. Thelander, K.Nielsch, H. Linke
NanoLetters 13, 4080 (2013) - ‘Disorder-induced enhancement of the thermoelectric efficiency in diameter-modulated nanowires’
X. Zianni
Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 112, 235 (2013) - ‘Simultaneous increase in electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in highly Boron-doped nanocrystalline Si’
N. Neophytou, X. Zianni, H. Kosina, S. Frabboni, B. Lorenzi, and D. Narducci,
Nanotechnology 24(20), 205402 (2013) - ‘Modulated SiC nanowires : Molecular Dynamics study of their thermal properties’
K. Termentzidis, T. Barreteau, Y. Ni, S. Merabia, X. Zianni, Y. Chalopin, P. Chantrenne, and S. Volz
Phys. Rev. B 87, 125410 (2013) - ‘Nanograin effects on the thermoelectric properties of poly-Si nanowires’
N. Neophytou, X.Zianni, M. Ferri, A. Roncaglia, G.F. Cerofolini, and D. Narducci
Journal of Electronic Materials, 42, 2393 (2013) - ‘Thermal conductivity and Kapitza resistance of diameter modulated SiC nanowires, a molecular dynamics study’
K Termentzidis, T Barreteau, Y Ni, H Huedro, A-L Delaye, X Zianni, Y Chalopin, P Chantrenne and S Volz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 395 012107 (2012) - ‘Thermal conductivity of diameter-modulated nanowires within a frequency-dependent model for the phonon boundary scattering’
X. Zianni and P.Chantrenne
Journal of Electronic Materials, 42, 1509 (2013) - ‘The effect of the modulation shape in the ballistic thermal conductance of modulated nanowires’
X. Zianni
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 193 53 (2012) - ‘Efficient thermoelectric energy conversion on quasi-localized electron states in diameter modulated nanowires’
X. Zianni
Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 286 (2011) - ‘Diameter-modulated nanowires as candidates for high thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency’ X.Zianni
Applied Physics Letters 97, 233106 (2010) - ‘Effect of electron-phonon coupling on the thermoelectric efficiency of single-quantum-dot devices’
X. Zianni
Physical Review B 82, 165302 (2010) - ‘Thermoelectric efficiency of a quantum dot in the single-electron configuration’
X. Zianni
Journal of Electronic Materials, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-009-1033-7, (2009) - ‘Theory of the energy-spectrum dependence of the electronic thermoelectric tunneling coefficients of a quantum dot’ X. Zianni
Physical Review B 78, 165327 (2008) - ‘Calculated transport coefficients of a nanocrystal in the SET configuration’
X. Zianni
phys.stat.sol (c) 5 3785 (2008) - ‘Thermal conductance of a molecule’
X. Zianni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 92 (2007) 012058 - ‘Calculated optical transitions in a silicon quantum wire modulated by a quantum dot’
X. Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics DOI: 10.1007/s10854-007-9442-y - ‘Coulomb oscillations in the electron thermal conductance of a dot in the linear regime’
X. Zianni
Physical Review B 75, 045344 (2007) - ‘The effect of confinement on the electron thermal conductance of a nanocrystal’
X. Zianni
Physica E 38, 106 (2007) - ‘Electron thermal transport properties of a quantum dot’
X. Zianni
Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc. Vol 913, 0913-D04-08, (2006) - ‘Photoluminescence lifetimes in Si quantum dots’
X. Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 074312 (2006) - ‘Optical emission behavior of Si quantum dots’
X. Zianni and A. G. Nassiopoulou
NATO ARW, ‘Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications and Frontiers’, 369-376, B.A, Joyce et al. (eds), 2005 Springer - ‘Οptical Properties of Si quantum wires and dots’
X. Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology’, American Scientific Publishers, Edited by Michael Rieth and Wolfram Schommers, ISBN: 1-58883-042-X, Chapter 94, Pages 1-37 (Invited review paper) - ‘Transport properties of polyoxometalate containing polymeric materials’
N. Glezos, D.Velessiotis, G.Chaidogiannos, P.Argitis, D.Tsamakis and X. Zianni
Synth. Metals 138, 267 (2003) - ‘Calculated lifetimes of Si nanowires: the effect of dispersion in the crystallographic orientations’
X. Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 101 (1-3): 242-245 (2003) - ‘Multi-component behavior of the Photoluminescence lifetime in porous Si’
X. Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
physica status solidi (a) Vol. 197 No. 2, P 311(2003) - ‘Photoluminescence lifetime of Si quantum wires’
X Zianni and A.G. Nassiopoulou
Physical Review B 66, 205323 (2002) - ‘Directional dependence of the spontaneous emission of Si quantum wires’
X Zianni and A G. Nassiopoulou
Physical Review B 65, 035326 (2002) - ‘Interband Trnasitions in Si Quantum Wires grown in {100} plane’
X. Zianni and A.G.Nassiopoulou
Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc. Vol.638, F14.20 (2001) - ‘Magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic and composite ferro-antiferromagnetic nanoparticles’
K. N. Trohidou, X. Zianni and J.A. Blackman
physica status solidi (a) 189, 305 (2002) - ‘Application of the partial wave expansion method in 3D low energy electron beam lithography simulation’
X. Zianni, D. Velessiotis, N. Glezos and K. N. Trohidou
Microelectronic Engineering 57- 58, 297 (2001) - ‘Magnetization reversal mechanisms in small antiferromagnetic particles’
X. Zianni and K. N. Trohidou
Journal of Applied Physics 85 1050 (1999) - ‘Surface effects on the magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic particles’
K. N. Trohidou, X. Zianni and J. A. Blackman
Journal of Applied Physics 84 2795 (1998) - ‘Monte Carlo simulations on the coercive behavior of oxide coated ferromagnetic particles’
X. Zianni and K. N. Trohidou
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 7475 (1998) - ‘Magnetization and coercivity of antiferromagnetic particles’
K. N. Trohidou, X. Zianni and J. A. Blackman
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 1120 (1998) - ‘A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Hysteresis Behavior of small magnetic particles’
X. Zianni and K N. Trohidou
NATO ASI ‘Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic Materials’ 338 45 (1997) - ‘Electron scattering by optical phonons in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures’
X. Zianni, C. D. Simserides and G. P. Triberis
Physical Review B 55 16324 (1997) - ‘Effect of surface anisotropy on the coercive field of small magnetic particles’
X. Zianni, K. N. Trohidou and J. A. Blackman
Journal of Applied Physics 81 4738 (1997) - ‘Semiclassical Magnetothermopower of a two-dimensional electron gas’
X. Zianni, P. N. Butcher and M. J. Kearney
Physical Review B 49 7520 (1994) - ‘The effect of interface roughness on the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas in a Si-MOSFET’
X. Zianni and P. N. Butcher
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 2713 (1994) - ‘Macroscopic behaviour of longitudinal optical phonons in an AlAs/GaAs/AlAs quantum well’
X. Zianni, P. N. Butcher and I. Dharssi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 L77 (1992) - The effect of the density of states on the conductivity of the small polaron hopping regime in disordered systems’
G. P. Triberis, X. Zianni , A. N. Yannacopoulos and V. C. Karavolas
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 337 (1991)